What Can We Learn From #GenZ About Gender and Authenticity?
Here’s what Gen Z can teach us all about gender identity and living authentically.

3 Ways to Honor Black History Month
There are many ways for us to honor and celebrate this important month. From supporting Black-owned businesses to uplifting the DEI initiatives that center employees of color in our organizations, we have additional momentum to elevate Black voices and experiences this month.
As we find ways to celebrate this heritage month, acknowledging the intersections of identity is an important aspect of honoring all folks within the Black community.
Here are a few ways you can uplift Black TGX+ communities this month..

3 Tips for Celebrating Trans Day of Visibility
Here are three ways you can celebrate Trans Day of Visibility this year.

How Do You Include Trans Women and Nonbinary People as You Honor Women’s History Month?
As organizations and ERGs celebrate Women’s History Month this year, I’ve gotten a lot of questions about whether and how trans women and nonbinary folks should be included.

Life-Affirming Resources for TGX+ Employees
Here’s how you can provide your trangender and gender-expansive employees with life-affirming resources.

Why Is Building Community Important to TGX+ Inclusion?
Now more than ever, trans inclusion is all about community-building.

How Will You Support Your TGX+ Employees This Year?
What are you doing to protect and support your trans employees this year?

Assessment: The Final Pillar
Learn all about the final pillar of TGX+ Workplace Inclusion: Assessment.

The Third Pillar: TGX+ Engagement
Is your organization doing all it can to engage in TGX+ inclusion?

Are You Sure Your Policies Are Trans-Inclusive?
Learn how you can make your organizational policies more inclusive of TGX+ folks.

When Did You First Learn About Trans and Gender-Expansive (TGX+) Folks?
Learn about the first pillar of TGX+ Workplace Inclusion and how your organization can do better.

Do You Know How Many Adults Identify as Nonbinary?
The nonbinary community is growing larger day by day.

How Is TGX+ Silence Impacting Your Organization?
What happens when a customer service rep doesn’t believe you are who you claim to be?

Happy National Coming Out Day!
Learn what National Coming Out Day is all about and how you can making coming out a positive experience for your employees.

What’s in a Deadname?
Learn what a deadname is and how your business can be a leader in TGX+ inclusion.

How Do You Shift Your Inclusion Efforts From Moderate to Intentional?
Learn about the difference between moderately inclusive and intentionally inclusive spaces.

How Do You Have Courageous Conversations About TGX+ Inclusion?
Having courageous conversations about TGX+ inclusion is essential if you want your workplace to thrive.

Shame vs. Curiosity
When trying to teach something new, lead with curiosity instead of shame.